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selected publications 




Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A. (2023). Climate Change Imaginaries: Posthuman research playspaces. Routledge.


Burnard, P., MacKinlay, L., Rousell, D., & Dragovic, T. (Eds.) (2022). Doing rebellious research in and beyond the academy. Brill. 


Lasczik, A., Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A., Rousell, D., Irwin, R., & Lee, N. (Eds). (2022). Walking with A/r/tography. Palgrave.


Rousell, D. (2021). Immersive cartography and post-qualitative inquiry: A speculative adventure into research-creation. Routledge.


book chapters 


Hickey-Moody, A., & Rousell, D. (2024). Affective Attachments to Carbon within Youth Cultures. Towards Posthumanism in Education, 181-196.


Rousell, D., Wijesinghe, T., & Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A. (2023). General Ecology and Speculative Pedagogies: Youth Digital Media Practices for Climate Justice. In Youth Created Media on the Climate Crisis (pp. 60-80). Routledge.


de Freitas, E., Trafi-Prats, L., Rousell, D., and Hohti, R. (2022). A poetics of opacity: 
Towards a new ethics of participation in gallery-based art projects with young people. In L. Trafi-Prats and Varella, A. (eds). Becoming Lively in the City: Essays on the Ontology, Aesthetics and Ethics of Visual Participatory Arts-Based Research. Routledge. 

Rousell, D., Ryan, E., Bauer-Nilsen, B., Lai, R. (2022). Animist pedagogies and the endings of worlds: Rituals for the pluriverse. In Burnard, P., MacKinlay, L., Rousell, D., & Dragovic, T. (Eds.) Doing rebellious research in and beyond the academy (pp. 263-281). Brill.


Rousell, D. (2022). Doing rebellious theory and methodology in the afterward: Going all city. In Burnard, P., MacKinlay, L., Rousell, D., & Dragovic, T. (Eds.) Doing rebellious research in and beyond the academy (pp. 243-262). Brill.



MacRae, T., Rousell, D., & Ungley, P. (2022). Surfacing the image-inary: Exchanging sensations of time through art, media, and pedagogy. In Burnard, P., MacKinlay, L., Rousell, D., & Dragovic, T. (Eds.) Doing rebellious research in and beyond the academy (pp. 300-327). Brill.


Rousell, D., & Hickey-Moody, A. (2021). Symbolic forms of expression: Toward speculative practices in community arts education. In L Burgess & N. Addison (eds)., Debates in Art and Design Education. Routledge. 


de Freitas, E., & Rousell, D. (2021). Atmospheric intensities: Skin conductance and the collective sensing body. In Fritsch, J., Thomsen, B., and Kofoed, J. (Eds.), Affects, Interfaces, Events. Imbricate! Press. 


Widdop-Quintin, H., Piersol, L., Rousell, D., & Russell, J. (eds.) (2020). The ChildhoodNature Companion: Art, writing, and research by children and young people (Handbook Section). In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., and Barrett-Hacking, E. (eds.), Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.


Rousell, D., & Williams, D. (eds.) (2020). Ecological Aesthetics and childhoodnature research (Handbook Section). In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., and Barrett-Hacking, E. (eds.), Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer


Rousell, D., Laszcik, L., Irwin, R., & Cook, P. (2020).  Propositions for an environmental arts pedagogy: A/r/tographic experimentations with movement and materiality. In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., and Barrett-Hacking, E. (eds.), Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.


Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2020). Uncommon Worlds: Towards an ecological aesthetics of childhood in the Anthropocene. In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., and Barrett-Hacking, E. (eds.), Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.


Rousell, D., & Williams, D. (2020). Ecological Aesthetics: New spaces, directions, and potentials. In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., and Barrett-Hacking, E. (eds.), Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.


Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2020). The Mesh of Playing and Researching in the Reality of Climate Change: Children’s Research Play Spaces. In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., and Barrett-Hacking, E. (eds.), Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.


Rousell, D., Lasczik, A., Irwin, R.L., Ellis, D., Hotko, K., & Peisker, J. (2019). Site/sight/insight: Becoming a socioecological learner through collaborative artmaking practices. In Cutter-Mackenzie, Lasczik, A., Logan, M. (eds.). Touchstones for deterritorialising socioecological learning: The Anthropocene, posthumanism, and commonworlds. Palgrave.


Rousell, D. (2019). Walking with Media: Towards a mixed reality pedagogy in university learning environments. In Schnadelbach, H., & Kirk, D. (eds.) People, Personal Data, and the Built Environment. Netherlands: Springer.


Rousell, D., Cutcher, A., & Irwin, R. (2018). Making-Lines: Movement, affect and aesthetic causality in arts-based educational research. In K. Snepvangers & S. Davis (eds.). Embodied and walking pedagogies engaging the visual domain: Research co-creation and practice. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.


Rousell, D. (2017). Mapping the Data Event: A posthumanist approach to art|education|research in a regional university. In L. Knight & A. Cutcher (eds.). Arts, Research, Education: connections and directions. New York: Springer International Publishing.


selected journal articles 


Rousell, D. (2024). Making a day out of records: Phonographic pedagogies of the Afro-sonic diaspora. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 1-21.


Rousell, D., & Hussey-Smith, K. (2024). Learning to Share the World: Reckoning With the Logistics of Whiteness in Public Galleries and Museums. Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies.


Rousell, D. (2023). Weaving the pluriverse: Childhood encounters with the underground worlds of Birrarung Marr. Children’s Geographies.


Rousell, D., & Caicedo, A. (2022). Listening for futures along Birrarung Marr: Speculative immersive experience in environmental education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education.


Rousell, D., Harris, D., Wise, K., Vagg, J., & Macdonald, A. (2022). Posthuman creativities: Democratising creative educational experience beyond the human. Review of Research in Education.


Harris, D., & Rousell, D. (2022). Pluralist ecologies and the question of how. Qualitative Inquiry


Rousell, D. (2022). Accidental creatures: Whitehead’s creativity and the clashing intensities of more-than-human life. Qualitative Inquiry. 


Hohti, R., Rousell, D., MacLure, M., & Chalk, H. (2021). Atmospheres of the Anthropocene: Sensing dis/inheritances in a university museum with young people. Children’s Geographies. 


Rousell, D., & Chan, K. L. (2021). Activist ecologies of study in the learning city: Deformalisations of educational life. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-21.


Rousell, D., Wijesinghe, T., Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A., & Osborn, M. (2021). Digital media, political affect, and a youth to come: rethinking climate change education through Deleuzian dramatisation. Educational Review, 1-21.


Lasczik, A., Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A. (2021). Walking as a radical and critical art of inquiry: Embodiment, place and entanglement. International Journal of education through art, 17(1), 3-11.


Lacey, J., & Rousell, D. (2021). Autonomous bodies and tiny ecologies: Sifting through human(ist) remains. Journal of Posthuman Studies, 5(1),72-77. 


Hickey-Moody, A., Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A., Rousell, D., & Hartley, S. (2021). Children’s Carbon Cultures. Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, DOI: 1532708621997582. 

Rousell, D., Hohti, R., MacLure, M., & Chalk, H. (2020). Blots on the Anthropocene: Micropolitical interventions with young people in a university museum. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies.


Rousell, D., & Diddams, N. (2020). Fielding hilarity: Sensing the affective intensities of comedy education and performance. Research in Drama Education .


Rousell, D. (2020). A map you can walk into: Immersive cartography and the speculative potentials of data. Qualitative Inquiry

de Freitas, E., Rousell, D., & Jaeger, N. (2019). Relational architectures and wearable space: The politics of ubiquitous sensation. Research  in Education


Rousell, D. (2019). Inhuman forms of life: On art as a problem for post-qualitative research.

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.


Rousell, D. & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2018). The Parental Milieu: Biosocial connections with animals, technologies, and the Earth.  Journal of Environmental Education, 50(2), 84-96.


Rousell, D. (2018). Doing Little Justices: Speculative propositions for an immanent environmental ethics. Environmental Education Research


Rousell, D., & Fell, F. (2018). Becoming a Work of Art: Collaboration, materiality and posthumanism in tertiary visual arts education. International Journal of Education Through Art [special issue on Speculative Realisms in Arts Education], 14(1), 91-110. 


Rousell, D., Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Foster, J. (2017). Children of an Earth to Come: Speculative fiction, geophilosophy and climate change education research. Educational Studies, 53(6), 654-669.


McKnight, L., Rousell, D., Charteris, J., Thomas, K., & Burke, G. (2017). The invisible hand: Designing curriculum in the afterward. The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(7), 635-655.


Rousell, D. (2016). Dwelling in the Anthropocene: Re-imagining university learning environments in response to social and ecological change. The Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 32(2) pp. 1-20.


Cutcher, L., Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2015). Findings, Windings and Entwinings: Cartographies of collaborative walking and encounter. The International Journal of Education Through Art, 11(3) pp. 449-458.


Rousell, D. (2015). The Cartographic Network: Re-imagining university learning environments through the methodology of immersive cartography. UNESCO Observatory Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts [Special issue on Critical Approaches to Arts-Based Research], 5(1), pp 1-33. 






Rousell, D., de Freitas, E., Trafi-Prats, L., & Hohti, R. (2019). Remixing Thick Time. Exhibition at Whitworth Gallery, in collaboration with Young Contemporaries (age 16-25). 

Rousell, D., Hohti, R., & Chalk, H. (2019). Inheriting the Anthropocene. Exhibition at Manchester Museum, in collaboration with the Young Adventurers (age 11-14). 

Rousell, D., & de Freitas, E. (2018). Superpositions.  Exhibition at Birley Art Gallery, Manchester Metropolitan University, in collaboration with Z-artists (age 5-13).



selected conference papers


de Freitas, E., Rousell, D., Trafi-Prats, L., & Hohti, R. (2019). Intensive atmospheres and ubiquitous sensation: Arts-based inquiry and new configurations of digital life (panel). European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Malta.   


Trafi-Prats, L., Rousell, D., & Hohti, R. (2019). Decolonial childhood ecologies and pedagogies of sensation in the city (panel). European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Malta. 


Rousell, D., de Freitas, E., Trafi-Prats, L., & Hohti, R. (2019). Remixing Thick Time: Alternative approaches to collaboration.  Complexity, Creativity, and Co-Production conference, Manchester Metropolitan University. 


de Freitas, E., & Rousell, D. (2018). Atmospheric Intensities: Sensing the places and times of learning through bioaffective technologies. Affects/Interfaces/Events conference, Aarhus University.


de Freitas, E., & Rousell, D. (2018). Sensor technologies and the future of ethnographic fieldwork. European Association of Social Anthropologists biannual conference, Stockholm University.


Rousell, D. (2018). Tasting the data: Two problems for qualitative inquiry in the Datacene. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne.


Rousell, D., Gallagher, M., & Wright, M. (2017). Becoming Listening Bodies: Sound walking as a pedagogy of sensation. Conference on Arts-based and Artistic Research, Tate Gallery, Liverpool. 


©2023 by David Rousell and the Local Alternatives team.

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