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Local Alternatives
re-imagining urban histories and futures with children and young people
sensing affect
affect changes how we feel
and what we can do
we begin in relation
we begin in events
how we sense, feel, and think the world
on the surface of our skin
activating potentials
alternative forms of life
most of what we experience
can't be seen, named, or spoken
drawing with biosensors
tapping into the sympathetic nervous system
the body as a medium
surfing waves of intensity
a lexicon of unnamable feelings
longer than any dictionary
sensible but imperceptible forces
sometimes our signals tend towards synchrony
depending on the dance of co-attunement
bodies drift in and out of resonance
affect circulates across distances
like the connection between ET and Elliot
or when you look at the moon
it's felt here and felt there
the missing half second
the feeling of the future and the past in the present
new constellations of value
a feeling that matters
llatencies and potencies
atmospheres and architectures of feeling
learning to be affected
more and less
David Rousell (Biosocial Lab, MMU)
Liz de Freitas (Biosocial Lab, MMU)
Suzanne Smith (Z-arts)
Z-artists (age 11-14)
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