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sensing futures

This project involves the co-design of an AI-powered learning platform that empowers young people's transition into post-secondary education, training, and work. The platform invites young people to utilise text- and image-based generative AI tools to generate critical and creative renderings of possible futures. While the project encourages speculative thinking and artistic experimentation with these tools, it also provides a platform for young people to analyse global policy trends and the impacts of disruptive events, such as climate change, on their future work and education pathways. The initial pilot project will culminate in an exhibition of young people's speculative images, animations, and writing about the future of education and work.

Young people from across Melbourne's inner north (ages 13-17)
David Rousell (Creative Agency, RMIT)
Seth Brown (UNEVOC, RMIT)
Frankie Zhang (Creative Agency, RMIT)


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